Monday 3 May 2010

Mega - pigeon in-off

Heysham Obs
Few Arctic Terns made it from the Home Counties to Heysham and the title sums up the seawatching today from the North Harbour Wall.  Two watches were done, one early morning (0630 to 0800hrs) and one on the incoming tide (1120 to 1340hrs).  Visibility was excellent throughout, skies were clear early morning but cloudier late morning and the wind was NNE F3 then 2:

Arctic Tern - 13 (2 early morning and 11 on the incoming tide)
Sandwich Tern - 8
Red-throated Diver - 4 in
Pigeon - 1

Swallow - 16

On the skears:
Whimbrel - 6
Turnstone - 88
Dunlin - 12

Dotterel still at Abbeystead Lane - sorry this should have referred to YESTERDAY lunchtime (2nd)

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