Monday 20 June 2011

The 'nice' day this week?

Heysham Obs
As tends to be the case on 'nice' days at this time of year, the heat-haze during the dailyish outfalls seagull check was horrendous.

Outfalls/Red Nab
Med Gull - adult and 3CY seen

Heysham Nature Reserve
Juvenile Sedge Warblers in four different areas in the wetland
At least two broods of juvenile Whitethroat
Two juvenile Lesser Whitethroat seen


Nothing dramatic in the hut trap but the 'nice' day served up some of the usual dayflying/day-disturbed moths for Janet.  Thanks for these pics which comprise Common Carpet, Straw Dot, Latticed Heath, Timothy Tortrix and Coleophora albicosta (thanks Nick and another reason for getting a proper computer screen at home!)

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