Tuesday 21 June 2011

Orchid day

Heysham Obs
The second ever Blackneck (moth) for the reserve, following last year's first, was a rather predictable repeat, given the amount of Tufted Vetch.  A jellyfish reported by an Ocean Edge resident appears to be Lion's Mane - the first ever mention of jellyfish on this blogsite?  It's washed up near the slipway at the south end of Ocean Edhe foreshoer, by the saltmarsh creek.  Tides are dropping, so its going nowhere.

Various combinations of spotted & marsh orchid were on show at Middleton and Heysham today.  Also a single Twayblade and quite a good showing of Bee Orchid

Birds included just a single Ad Med Gull on a brief, rather heat-hazy visit to the outfalls

The final moth on yesterdays posting is causing some problems.  Any more ideas, any more pics of it, please Janet?

A Great Tit was doing an unusual distraction display as its young remained in a bush behind the photographer.  Thanks for the pics Janet.

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