Saturday 15 October 2011

Cetti's highlights one of the best-ever 'clear' migration mornings

Heysham Obs
Considering we were late (traffic again!) and missed the early thrushes, this was quite an impressive morning which included a new bird for Heysham NR; far better than chasing the stars and disappearing bird(s) along the dreaded Washway/A149.  Thanks to Sean and friends for coastal coverage, including the 'in-off' Blue Tits!

Vis mig by the office 0715 onwards
Grossly underrecorded due to multi-tasking with ringing/clear blue sky/demo for Watch group etc etc.
Brambling - 10
Chaffinch - 496
Redwing - 295
Fieldfare - 397
alba Wagtail - 58
Bullfinch - 7
Dunnock - 3
Blackbird - 8
Song Thrush - 3
Raven - 2
Goldfinch - 33
Meadow Pipit - 44
Sparrowhawk - 7 south (two of these watched in-off)
Blue Tit - flock of 6 in-off
Greenfinch - 46
Reed Bunting - 5
Skylark - 28
Grey Wagtail - 4
Mistle Thrush - 5
Carrion Crow - 40 (best flocks 9 + 11 - amazingly no Jackdaw this am)
Woodpigeon - 6 obvious migrants high to south
Tree Sparrow - 20 (9+6+4+1)
Swallow - 8 (all coastal)
Starling - 20 (just one flock)
Linnet - 19
Lesser Redpoll - 12
Crossbill - 3 (one flock)
Yellowhammer - 1 flying south calling frequently
Siskin - 20 plus 3 lots heard
House Sparrow - 2
probable Snow Bunting ('Teuk' call x 2 sounded more like this than Lapland but they are tricky unless you hear the trill/rattle - couldn't find the bird against the blue sky)

Chiffchaff - c4 early on
Goldcrest - at least 6 early on, but just the one unringed bird later & none on early afternoon reserve circuit
Ring Ouzel - one flew inland from the bushes by the office 0745hrs
Cetti's Warbler - one caught in the feeder mist net ride (!!) released in suitable habitat below the classroom
Song Thrush - c15
Redwing - c60
Blackbird - c15
Blackcap - 3 ringed

c70 birds including Cetti's Warbler, 3 Blackcap, 2 Redwing, single House & Tree Sparrow (together) and 30 Chaffinch

CETTI'S WARBLER - on weight & wing measurements definitely a female, considered 1CY

HOUSE AND TREE SPARROWS (the first time these two have been caught together here - thanks John)

Twite - c6 on the mound
Med Gull - three adult and single 2CY and 1CY
Little Gull - adult (type)
Stock Dove - one in-off

at least 15 Red Admiral seen flying south.  One very worn Speckled Wood and two "off-passage" Red Admiral.  c10 Common Darter at the back of the wetland but no sign of any Migrant Hawker.  One Large Wainscot was the only occupant of the moth trap (the element of east in the overnight wind suppressing the catch)

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