Sunday 16 October 2011

Murky thrushfest, a couple of really big birds, followed by clear westerly dross

Heysham Obs
Just about worth it this morning as the last inkling of any obvious decent passerine migration weather for the foreseeable future!  This morning was all about murky misty conditions and a smattering of thrushes which presumably dropped as they hit the weather front in the early hours.  In addition, there were a few extra ones dropping in at dawn

This included two consecutive birds which had me really scratching my head.  The first was a male Chaffinch with a wing of 94mm (and weight of 26.2 grams with NO obvious fat reserves!).  This will either cause IPMR to crash or collapse in a fit of derisory laughter.  This was followed by a Chiffchaff with a wing length of 67mm, but a quick check of Svensson sees this at the top end of the male abietinus range.  A fairly low-key session saw 31 new birds, including 5 migrant Blackbird, one Redwing, 2 Blackcap, the above Chiffchaff, two lightweight (but not very orange) Robin and just one Goldcrest

Vis mig by the office
Redwing - 66 SW
Fieldfare - 78 SW
Blackbird - 17 SW
Song Thrush - 13 SW
Chaffinch - just 74 SW
alba Wagtail - 22 SE
Starling - 38 S
Grey Wagtail - 1 S
Meadow Pipit - just 11 SE
Linnet - 16 S
Pink-footed Goose - flock of 53 SE
Lesser Redpoll - 1 SE
Skylark  - 29 SE
Reed Bunting - 2 SE
Goldfinch - 32 S/SW
Raven -1 S

Grounded then some heading inland
Blackbird - 45-50
Redwing - c40
Song Thrush - 11
Chiffchaff - 2
Blackcap - just the two ringed birds encountered
Goldcrest - at least 4
Robin - two lightweight unringed bird but no other evidence
Wheatear - one OE foreshore

Med Gull - three adult types on Fisher's roof and the Czech adult patrolling the north wall
Twinnet - flock of c60 seen only in flight on OE saltmarsh (both species calling)
Little Gull - adult and presumed 2CY outfalls area

The first mothless night of the autumn & just one Red Admiral seen

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