Thursday 20 October 2011

Dead clear start, minor interest after the showers

Heysham Obs
Some mornings are worth an early start - this wasn't

Vis mig dawn to 0930
Chaffinch - 69
Brambling - 3
Redwing - 1
alba Wagtail - 15
Goldfinch - 17
Mistle Thrush - 1
Lapwing - 1 south
Siskin - 2
Meadow Pipit - 5
Woodpigeon - 6+11+3
Carrion Crow - flock of 5 (where are the Jackdaws!)

Grounded by the office
Nothing first thing, a few bits after the showers
Robin - 3 unringed birds caught (two very orange-breasted)
Chiffchaff - 2 (at least one of them unringed)
Wren - two unringed birds caught
Blackbird - zero (like a cold morning in midwinter, not mid-October) first thing - c5 seen later
Song Thrush - 3 probable migrants after the second shower

Harbour area
Twite - 8
Linnet - c12
Med Gull - 2 adult and 1CY
Little Gull - visible feeding on Heysham one outfall

Roe Deer - one NE corner reserve
Grey Squirrel - one by reserve entrance gate

Brick, Red-line Quaker, Mottled Umber - the latter new for the year

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