Wednesday 19 October 2011

Redstart surprise and overdue Rock Pipits

Heysham Obs
Despite being in the "unassuming" category in dudey bird books (small/brown/hard to see/not worth looking at), I think Rock Pipit would have been noticed had it appeared earlier, given the reasonable coastal coverage.  The Redstart was most unexpected and a product of a bit of a vigil in the sun-trap in the north-east corner of the reserve by Jean and myself.  The vigil-instigator (very brief initial views) turned out to be a Garden Warbler - notable in the context of this poor autumn

North-east corner of the reserve (1100-1145)
Quite a bit!
Blackbird - 35-40
Chiffchaff - 2 (one ringed)
Goldcrest - one
Redstart - female/imm
Garden Warbler - 1
Blackcap - 1
Redwing - 1
Treecreeper - 1

Heysham NR generally (1045-1200)
A lot of Wren with perhaps 15 heard contact-calling
Water Rail - at least three in the marsh with vocal behaviour suggesting new arrivals
Sisikin - 3
Meadow Pipit - 5 overhead
Skylark - 7 overhead
Chaffinch - probably 15 vis mig birds
North harbour wall circuit
No sign of the Snow Bunting in a thorough search in better conditions than yesterday (but colder!)
Wheatear - large one on the mound
Twite - 8 (2 x green/white split over light blue, one light blue over red/white split, one light blue over dark blue/orange split, 2 unringed 1CY, 2 unaged unringed)
Linnet - 16 (5 ringed)
Rock Pipit - two
Meadow Pipit - one
Med Gull - 1CY flew along the seawall
Little Gull - ad seaward end Heysham one outfall

Migrant Hawker - NE corner
Comma - NE corner
Red Admiral - c7, mainly NE corner
Rusty Dot Pearl - worn individual PA way bank (SD46A - entered on MapMate)
Red-line Quaker - one in the trap

Grey Squirrel - one alder woodland
Common Shrew - dead one on path by dipping pond (45E)

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