Sunday 15 February 2015

Green Woodpecker shows well

Heysham Obs
A bit of a quiet (!) vigil by the dipping pond area for an hour produced great views of Green Woodpecker before it headed off over the golf course - gave four yaffles.   No sight nor sound of the Cetti's Warbler but it may have been up at the reed-bed end.  Ten species in song:  Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Chaffinch, Wren, Song Thrush and (sort of) Goldfinch

Middleton NR (Justine)
Grey Wagtail - P/Y colour-ringed bird seen
Pochard - now 3 males
Pheasant - SEVEN on Middleton - the most for ages (2 male)

North harbour wall
9 unringed Twite caught

Moth trappers take note:  a woodland actinic trap in the Lune valley this morning contained 80 moths - near the place that had over 1000 Mottled Umber on 17th Dec last year!

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