Saturday 14 February 2015

Small scale spring activity

Heysham Obs
Not sure what you call someone with a big lens, no binoculars or telescope and a loud tape of singing male Cetti's Warbler?  Cant find it in Bill Oddie's Little Black Book. 

Heysham NR
Good coverage by Ian today - thanks.  He arrived after the abovementioned and no sight nor sound of the Cetti's Warbler today but the first Snipe on HNR of the season

Middleton and south foreshore area (thanks Malcolm)
2 adult + 6 2CY mute
7 moorhen
1 pochard (m)
16 tufted
6 mallard
2 gadwall (pair)
5 teal
1 skylark (flushed)
1 pheasant (m)
1 little egret on OE.
113 wigeon
Cormorant on waterfall.

Great Tit - one by Gate 38 - mega - almost as unlikely as Fair Isle!
Song Thrush - one by Gate 38 - wintering bird from NHW or new arrival?

North harbour wall
Twite - 15
Chaffinch - female
At least 25 other finches, possibly including more Twite
Eider - 175+

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