Saturday 15 October 2016

Black Redstart

Heysham NR/non-op
Black Redstart - 1CY found in between Heysham Nature Park and Heysham Nature Reserve but in an area out of bounds to the public but visible around the old green 'Nissan hut' looking through the fence from the Nature park.  No phone-scoping here!
Ring Ouzel - one with a noticeable band and one without - arose separately from the same cover just to the east of the construction compound and flew into the tank farm - one via the mist nets if they had been set!
Blackbird - c15 on reserve
Redwing - 2 on reserve
Song Thrush - 3 on reserve
Chiffchaff - 2 on reserve
Goldcrest - pretty non-existent - 5 with tit flock
Brambling - at least one over early am (two birds together but only one call)
Chaffinch - 25 S
A huge flock of LTT-dominated tits but also including at least 4 Coal Tits seemed to hoover everything except two long-staying Chiffchaff up and head off down the dog track.  Not all additional birds seen properly
No sign/sound of yesterdays calling Cetti's Warbler

Gate 38 and wooden jetty
Meadow Pipit - 6 by wooden jetty
alba Wagtail - 15 by wooden jetty
Nothing in 'firecrest cover'
Shag - 1CY on wooden jetty - on lower tier and very nearly missed!

Heysham Head
Only did churchyard and area as r.s.p.
Pink-footed Goose - 45E
Goldcrest - 10
Treecreeper - one
Nuthatch - one - seemed to be more in gardens
Tawny Owl - one called x 3!

Middleton NR
Redwing 17 ex roost mainly
Fieldfare 5
Song Thrush 2
Snipe 1
Brambling 1

Ringing (rained off at 10am)
Redwing 6
Blackbird 1
Blackcap 2
Reed Bunting 3
Chiffchaff 2
Goldcrest 8
Long-tailed Tit 1 plus 2 retraps
Goldfinch 1
Blue Tit 1
Robin 1 retrap

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