Friday 14 October 2016

Reduced coverage not without interest

Heysham NR grounded
Quite a bit of stuff by the dipping pond-reserve entrance
Yellow browed Warbler - calling about 100m down dog track,
Cetti's Warbler - calling behind dipping pond
Treecreeper - in the taller trees
Chiffchaff 2
Blackbird - 11
Song Thrush - 2

Ringing at Middleton saw mainly tits with a handful of odds and ends with them

Vis Heysham and Middleton - poor is an understatement given the conditions:
Redwing 17
Fieldfare 4
Alba Wagtail 6
Snipe 4
Chaffinch 16
Greylag goose 14S and 7 N (most unusual at this time of year)(
Woodpigeon 8
Blackbird 8
Raven 2
Skylark - 14

Then off to Easington for a nice relaxing twitch after the morning madhouse and before the after work hordes. Parked by the entrance and was watching the bird within seconds! (Siberian accentor not requiring a plane charter)

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