Wednesday 23 May 2018

Great earlyish morning by the seaside

Wow this is such a late spring as north-easterlies produced what could be expected at the end of April/early May!   I gave up checking through the significant number of 2CY seagulls a week or so ago; Jean didn't this morning and out popped an Iceland Gull!   A singleton Black Tern joined the year list as it  motored into the Bay along the Kent channel line and a real bonus for the year list was a late passage Little Ringed Plover which flew in from the south, ran around for a bit on the 'mound' before heading off high to the north 

Sea 0740-0930 x 2 observers
Arctic Tern - 205 'in' (largest flock 29)
Sandwich Tern - at least 49 in
Arctic Skua - perhaps the same light morph seen twice chasing terns at long range
Black Tern - singleton in on its own at 0817hrs
Red-throated Diver - summer plumaged individual out
Iceland Gull - 2CY blogging for 20 minutes or so before flying north into the bay
Common Scoter - 4 in, c25 out
Little Ringed Plover - see above
Swallow - 6 in
Lots of Black-headed Gulls also moving in and several white dots miles out which could have been BHGs or terns

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