Thursday 24 May 2018

More terns and bits and bobs

Bill Martin and myself covered the north wall this morning and similar fare to yesterday minus the oddities

North wall 0650-0920
Arctic Tern - 134 in (largest flock 21), a majority 0820-0910
Sandwich Tern - c120 in, latterly a few bloggers - many fishing en route as they flew in but none seen to come out!
Arctic Skua - dark morph chasing tern in the mouth of the bay
Gannet - 3/4cy in then out
Kittiwake - flock of 15 in (all but one 2CY)
Guillemot - 1
small waders - three flocks totalling 30
Common Scoter - just one distant flock of c20
Swallow - 11 in
Shag - 2CY on wooden jetty

Greylag - 7 circled Middleton NR

At least three Black-tailed Skimmer Middleton

** I know there is a backlog for pics.  I wont be able to do anything about it tomorrow, I'm afraid, so if you can add your own pics or send them with relevant date they need posting to

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