Thursday 14 March 2019

A matter of degree

Good job I wasn’t twenty minutes later with a Heysham Head seawatch as I managed the last bit of westerly before it swung round and closed the door

Velvet Scoter - female flew out beyond the Eider line and landed on the rough sea and couldn’t be relocated after logging the inbound seabirds immediately afterwards
Kittiwake - c270 in long strung out line and two more compact ‘balls’ - mainly adults
Little Gull - loose gang of 16 in - quite distant
Gannet - two ad in
Eider - c290
Pale bellied Brent Goose - flock of 27 on tideline and three close inshore north of Heysham head

Middleton Nature reserve
Mute 3 pair
Tufted 2
Gadwall 5 (4 male)
Water Rail 1
Cetti's warbler 1 singing
Green woodpecker 1

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