Wednesday 13 March 2019

Lots of wind and Little, else...

The strong westerlies continue

Little gull 1 adult on seaward end of No.1 outflow at low tide in morning

Pale-bellied Brent just 3 today, presumably the regular birds, out from children's play area. Today's tide of 8.2m not high enough to flush them to Red Nab at high water.

Kittiwake - there doesn't seem to be a lot of food coming through the outflows, but just enough to hold a few kittiwake. There was one adult and a juvenile at low water in morning on No.2 outflow. Two adult and a juvenile on rising tide in afternoon.
Pictures below are actually some of yesterday's birds, same location.

Adult (with Blackpool tower in background)

Ocean Edge salt marsh
Rock pipit 1
Skylark 1
Reed bunting 1

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