Tuesday 8 June 2021

400 up, and still counting

Light SW to WSW breeze. Mainly sunny

A check of the Rock Pipits below Heysham Head found at least 3, probably 4 below the high cliffs, at least one young bird. Plus 1 male singing on the northern tip of the Head.
Canada Geese - this is what today's title refers to, there were a total of 110 today, bringing the count since the moult migration began on 29th May to 405, this is significantly higher than previous years.
Four flocks between 08:10 to 08:30
28 north
34 northeast, crossing overland at Heysham Head
17 north
31 north, then 10 minutes later, presumably the same 31 returned and landed on the sea and were still just out from Half Moon Bay at 09:30.
Some of the 31 Canada geese out from Half Moon Bay

Heysham Nature Reserve (Janet)
Painted Lady 1
Burnet Companion - lots
Burnet Companion 

Small moths, especially common ones like this rarely get a mention,
but seen close up they are nicely patterned - Crambus lathoniellus

Bee Orchids have started to bloom, they are much more abundant than
many think. But you need to get your "eye in" to find them both here
and on Middleton Nature Reserve.

Heysham Skeer - low water 17:45
Great Crested Grebe 6
No Eider or Red-breasted Merganser
The only waders were Oystercatcher and a handful of Curlew 
Still several hundred large gulls, mainly Herring.

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