Monday 7 June 2021

Canada Geese still passing through

Almost breathless again first thing, what movement there was from SW. later a more obvious WSW breeze. Largely overcast but a few sunny spells.

South Shore (MD)
It's been a warm week since the tide was high enough to cover Red Nab. The shallow pool near the sea wall is normally c4x5m, but it has dried to a puddle.
This puddle is all that remains of the pool nearest the sea wall

The good news for the Little Egret is that the shrinking pool is concentrating the remaining fish and shrimps.

Curlew 34 on beach out from Ocean Edge
Canada Goose 7 - 09:35 - initially on the beach until flushed by a walker, then flew west then north.
Some of the Curlew are also on this clip.

Another small flock (line) of c20 flew north past the wooden jetty at 10:15
A line of Canada geese flying low to the north over the flat sea.

Grey Seal 1
Butterflies included
Painted Lady 1
Skipper sp 1

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet went to check out the Broad-bodied Chaser nymph cases with her Granddaughter.
They look more impressive in Phoebe's hands!

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Kevin's shot of a Burnet Companion nectaring on Clover 

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