Saturday 27 August 2022

An interesting walk along the wall

A gentle NW wind. Sunshine pretty much all day 

Just stuff from my morning stroll along the south sea wall, so far (MD)

Linnet 10 along foreshore and Red Nab
Goldfinch 4 near lighthouse 
Common Whitethroat 1 Red Nab
Robin 2 Red Nab and foreshore plus 1 near lighthouse 
Wheatear 1 Red Nab
Grey Wagtail 1 Red Nab
Rock Pipit 5

Inshore Red Nab was busy, it probably warranted more time watching, but I was just passing en route to the wooden jetty. There were 3 + 1 Rock pipits squabbling, the territorial bird was also seeing off the Grey Wagtail. Even so it found time for a bit of feeding. This looks like another Rat- Tailed maggot (see post 12 August), looks even less appetising when it's dragged out of the remaining slime! This pool has a couple more days before it is refilled by the increasing height tides.

Meanwhile the Robin was seeing off this Whitethroat 
The Wheatear watched on for a while then continued its journey 

My haste was so as not to miss the beach near the wooden jetty being covered by the incoming tide. I timed it just right, unfortunately the Meds flew off as the tide reached them, not driven towards the wall as they are when the honeycomb worms are being caught on the open mud.
Mediterranean gulls 
Adult (possibly some 3rd calendar year) 15
2nd calendar year 1
1st calendar year 1 (feeding on No.2 outflow)
This is the 2nd calendar year bird (not obvious in this shot) chasing an adult off its patch

Adult Med leaving the beach long before it was covered

There were two white darvic ringed birds amongst them. Fortunately one was relatively close in and could be seen to be the Dutch ringed bird. The other, further out and with mud on its ring left before it could be read.
Adult Med ringed as nestling in Holland 2010
Mallard 1 female flew out along the shipping lane
Grey Heron 1 on Red Nab
Grey Heron
Little Egret 4  - 2 on Red Nab 1 near No.1 outflow plus 1 flew south past lighthouse 
Little Egret 

Stop press.....
Update from Pete
3 Wheatear heliport along with 3 rock pipit.  680 redshank,102 turnstone 
Possibly more to come

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