Sunday 28 August 2022

Early Scaup

Very light variable breeze mainly NE. Sunshine in the morning then becoming hazy by lunch and for the rest of the day

First, a correction. The large egret on the south shore, that I identified as a Great White Egret, turned out to be an unusually large Little Egret. All records have been amended. My apologies if it caused any confusion, at least it shows the value of photography, they can prove, or in this case, disprove identity. It was around again today bullying the other little Egrets and does look to be half as big again as the others. Care required! (Malcolm)

Just my records so far today (MD)
South shore just after low water in the morning 
Rock Pipit 3
Wheatear 9 quickly moving through 5 along the foreshore and 4 near the lighthouse 
Wheatear having a short rest in the inner harbour

Mediterranean gull 5 resting on the rocks on the seaward side of the beach near the wooden jetty. One had a white and another a yellow ring, but much too distant to read, and they left when the tide reached them.

Peregrine Falcon 1 juvenile 

Imperial Way
Just a brief check at 17:00
Stock Dove 1 
Mistle Thrush 1
Swallow 80+
House Martin 6+
The hirundines were milling around the south of the road where the gates to the recycling centre are.
Just a few of the House Martin and Swallow

Heysham skear low water 19:30
Little Egret 4
Grey Heron 2
Grey Heron, ruffling its feathers on Conger rock

Eider 12 including one adult male, but mainly juvenile 
Great Crested grebe 9
Shag 1 - this is a bit different, it had been feeding, now it is drying its wings whilst still swimming 



They were feeding and joined by an Eider

Then time for a wash and brush up

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