Monday 29 August 2022

Not much, but juvenile Buzzard showing well

Mainly NE to ENE fresh breeze. Some hazy sun in the morning, but becoming increasingly overcast.

Heysham skear - low water 07:30 (MD)
I started at 08:15. The few minutes that I was on the promenade saw
Swallow 16 (9,5,2) north, none were seen while on the shore, but on my return to the promenade another 6 flew north - it felt like early summer again!
That was probably the highlight of the trip, the skear was quiet compared to last evening.
Heron 2
Little Egret 9
Great Crested Grebe 2
Eider 7
Waders: Oystercatcher, Curlew, Redshank, Turnstone and Ringed Plover 2
Ringed Plover

South shore (MD)
It was early evening when I walked along the wall, even so there were still.
Wheatear 7 along foreshore 
Starlings 100+ feeding on saltmarsh brambles
Goldfinch 4 feeding on saltmarsh teasels 
Rock Pipit 2
Eider 2 out from harbour mouth
Mediterranean gulls 5 adult on the beach next to wooden jetty

Treble-bar moth near the sea wall

Imperial way (again it is quiet after 17:30)
I just had a quick check on my way home
Swallow 6
House Martin 6
Kestrel 1 male

Buzzard 1 juvenile 
Juvenile Buzzard 
It wasn't winning any popularity contests, in this clip it has changed its perch and all the local passerines were shouting at it (you can hear the cars passing along the bypass too).

It had a fly around and the hirundines were not impressed
Juvenile Buzzard surrounded by House Martins and Swallows

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