Thursday 27 July 2023

Attacked by a Sandwich!

 The light wind started SE before switching to the west. Overnight rain eased off by 08:00.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check of the two main ponds, just as the rain was easing.
Mute pair plus 7 cygnet 
Coot 4 adult 2 young
Moorhen 2
Mallard 25
No sign of the odd Tufted Duck.
Goosander 1 juvenile. It gives a nice plumage display in this clip.

Heysham Nature Reserve (JP)

Looks to be a young Roe Deer, you can still make out the dappling on its flanks.


Burnet Companion moth

Silver Y moth - there have been loads this year

Don't know.....but looks interesting. Please advise if you know

South Shore (MD)
A walk along the foreshore and sea wall in the morning an a check of the shore out from the saltmarsh in the evening.
Little Egret 5
Eider 2 female south
Wheatear 5 including 2 juvenile 
This one looks barely old enough to be out on its own!

Two juvenile and an adult in this clip, but Pete advises that they will be independent migrants.

Pied Wagtail 5
Rock Pipit 1 near the waterfall 
There were no gulls at all on the beach near the wooden jetty, despite Oystercatcher, Curlew and Redshank seeming to be catching Sandmason worms easily enough.
Whimbrel 3 at least (2 seen in morning, 3 seen/heard in evening)
Turnstone 4 

The following are this evening's records
Curlew 310 in one group, resting on the shore out from the saltmarsh, plus several others along the waterline. The only other waders were Oystercatcher and Redshank, plus a couple of Lapwing on the saltmarsh.
Swift 2 
Swallow 5
Mediterranean Gull 8 - 4 adult and 4 first summer
Sandwich Tern 2 adult and a juvenile came in off from the west and settled with the gulls. 
Today's title isn't some long lost Lou Reed song, I really was attacked by a Sandwich Tern! This clip begins with the juvenile Sandwich Tern centre with an adult to its left. The other adult was further to the left, but it took umbrage at me filming its family and flew over to mob me.

I didn't feel threatened, just unwelcome! At least it allowed me some close up shots.

Adult Sandwich Tern

I left them to it, but soon after they flew off south.

Southern Hawker - 1 male patrolling the path in the Nature Park, just before you reach the Power Station perimeter fence. Unfortunately it wouldn't settle and I couldn't manage a decent shot

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