Wednesday 26 July 2023

Eight wader species on the skear.....not bad for summer

The light wind started in the east then gradually swung through the south before ending from the east. Dry and largely sunny till late afternoon when the rain started.

First some stuff from Janet.
These excellent Swift shots from Heysham Nature Reserve are worth opening to see the plumage detail, that you never see as they zip past.


Also on Heysham Nature Reserve was a Brown Hawker.

These shots from the Nature Park 
Male Common Darter



Heysham Skear - low water 12:20 (MD)
Nothing seen on the sea.
Little Egret 6
Not much of a walk this, at least distance wise, were are on neap tides now and very little of the skear is exposed. Still it was good to see an increasing variety of waders.
Oystercatcher c200
Curlew c150
Whimbrel 3 together flying north 
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1
Bar-Tailed Godwit

Redshank 25
Turnstone 35 in one group which moved off south
Ringed Plover 3
Dunlin 21 in one feeding group.

South shore (MD)
Just a check of the foreshore and Red Nab towards high water. Unfortunately by this time it was tipping down!
Rock Pipit 2 on foreshore 
Wheatear 1 on foreshore 
Washed out Wheatear

Mediterranean gull - just one adult remained with the Black-Headed Gulls on Red Nab
Again, there were no small waders along the rising tideline.

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