Friday 18 August 2023

Another regular returns

The east wind freshened all day. Overcast, but the rain managed to hold off.

South Shore 
Red Nab and foreshore - A check towards high water (PM, MD)
Mediterranean Gulls 10 on Red Nab and outflow area. Including 2 juvenile. There were three darvic ringed birds, a 2cy with a dark ring (which was too distant to read) a white ringed adult (previously read) and a new for this year yellow ringed adult.
Ringed as a nestling in 2019 in Germany. It was seen at Heysham later in 2019 and again
in 2022 (probably 2020 and 2021 as well, as yellow ringed bird was seen those years, but not read).
In 2021it was seen on breeding grounds in the Czech Republic.
 The only other sighting since here last July was in Fishguard, Wales last November 
Wheatear 2 including 1 juvenile 
Rock Pipit 2

I had a walk out to the tideline (MD). Unfortunately, unlike yesterday it was bereft of waders except for large numbers of Oystercatcher. 1,730 counted in the main resting group plus several smaller groups feeding. This is a quick view of most of the main group, it also provides views of the offshore wind farm Piel Castle and Barrow docks.

Bar-Tailed Godwit 4 - were the only other waders on the waterline.
Two of the three feeding Bar-Tailed Godwits

The fourth bird was a bit further away and was trying to rest, until disturbed by the Oystercatcher. It had a comparatively short bill.

It quickly caught up with the other three when it was time to leave.

This young Great Black-Backed gull was looking sorry for itself,
complete with constantly dripping bill!

Jean checked the north side
Great Crested Grebe 6 in the low tide channel
Little Egret 11 feeding on the skear

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