Thursday 17 August 2023

Not a lot happening today

A freshening east wind. Dry all day with some sunshine.

Heysham skear - low water 07:30 (MD)
Very little on the sea:
Eider 7
Great Crested Grebe 4

Little Egret 13
Oystercatcher c250
Curlew c100
Redshank c100
Turnstone c60
Ringed Plover 3

Red Nab to saltmarsh (MD)
Mediterranean gull 1 - just the metal ringed adult on Red Nab
Greenfinch 1 on Red Nab
Greenfinch, clearly been eating red fruit/berries
Swallow 1 south
Rock Pipit 1 foreshore
Wheatear 3 including 1 juvenile 
Juvenile Wheatear

Female/1st winter Wheatear

This one rested on the shore before continuing south

There were plenty of waders feeding along the waterline. I didn't have time to go out for a close look, but managed a count from the foreshore:
Bar-Tailed Godwit 26
Grey Plover 145
Knot 61
Dunlin 210
Plus Oystercatcher and Curlew

These are some shots from Janet taken on Middleton yesterday:
Common Darter were the only dragonflies seen

Speckled Wood

Silver Y moth.     Not certain what's happening here,
but it does appear to be emerging from its pupa. (MD)

Hoverfly (Helophilius pendulus?)

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