Sunday 15 October 2023

An interesting variety

Sunny all day after a light overnight frost. A light west breeze developed from late morning.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Report by Jean:
A real variety of birds caught at Middleton NR this morning, 32 new birds and just 3 retraps

New birds
Goldcrest 6
Chiffchaff 6 - several long-winged birds likely to be Scandinavian in origin
Coal Tit 4
Long-tailed Tit 3
Lesser Redpoll 2
Robin 2
Song Thrush 2 - British birds not olive coloured Scandinavian birds
Blue Tit 2
Great Tit 2
Reed Bunting 1
Cetti's Warbler 1 - yet another Cetti's! That's the 7th this autumn at Middleton
Wren 1

A 4 year old Wren
A 5 year old Long-tailed Tit
and a recent Long-tailed Tit
All the retraps had been caught at Middleton before so are likely to be resident there.

A bit of visible migration was visible:

Fieldfare 8
Redwing 9
Whooper Swan flocks of 3 and 7
Carrion Crow 11
Jackdaw 13
Grey Wagtail 1 (may be wintering in the wastewater treatment works)

Observers: Jean, Pete, Simon and Claire

I just managed a later morning check (MD). In addition to yesterday's wildfowl there were :
Gadwall 25 on the "no swimming" pond.
Male Gadwall
This pair provided a nice display.

This clip begins with two immature Moorhen a Coot and a male Gadwall.

The Moorhen were also feeding up the banking.

There were corvids in the air and calling at all times. Carrion Crow at least 9, Jackdaw at least 10 and 4 Magpies. But they seemed just to be the resident birds arguing over territory and perhaps deterring any passing corvids from settling. 
There was still some definite Jackdaw movement south. One high group of 5 and this flock of 19, so 37 south today.
Cetti's warbler 2 singing
Sparrowhawk 1 being harried by a Carrion Crow. You can just hear a Cetti's singing in the background.

One of two male Common Darters

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