Saturday 14 October 2023

Ducking between the showers (literally)

After overnight rain it was a sunny morning, but with a very cold WNW wind. Heavy showers began again just before lunch.

Just my stuff so far, and I didn't have a lot of time today (MD)
Saltmarsh to Red Nab 09:00
Linnet 93
Some of the Linnet descending onto the saltmarsh

Goldfinch 6
Reed Bunting 2
Robin 2 - this one wondering why its picture isn't on the "birds to see" notice

Red Nab
Mediterranean gull
Adult Mediterranean gull flying in to Red Nab

2nd calendar year and an adult Mediterranean gull

Wigeon 36
A bit unusual to see a lone Wigeon stood on the mud

More typical were these making their way along the channel next to No.2 outflow, heading to Red Nab on the rising tide.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
I managed a quick circuit between the afternoon showers.
Mute pair plus 7 large cygnets 
Coot 10
Moorhen 4
Mallard 12
No other wildfowl seen.
No warblers seen or heard either
This Grey Wagtail was clearly finding plenty to eat in the rainwater puddles.

Migrant Hawker 1

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