Saturday 30 December 2023

A bit of a dampener

Quite a fresh south to SW wind. Heavy showers for most of the day.

South Shore (MD)
A mid morning walk along the south wall on the rising tide. It rained constantly!
Pale-bellied Brent goose 21 - there had been 14 feeding on the rocks, then something spooked them and the waders and they flew further east, now 21 so perhaps another 7 coming in had lifted them. Although they don't normally.

Wigeon c200
And that was it really, no sign of the Shag in the harbour.

These shots by Janet in the Nature Park yesterday 
Long-Tailed Tit enjoying suet left by the visitors 

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just called in for a quick check of the two main ponds.
Main Pond:
Mute pair plus 7 immature 
Mallard 12
Gadwall 1 male
Tufted Duck 1 male
Coot 6
Moorhen 4
This is the Tufted sorting himself out, before a Coot (just out of frame) moves him on. A Mallard and a  Moorhen glide past too. The soft grunting are the immature Mute Swans "begging".

No Swimming Pond
Mallard 2
Gadwall 20
Grey Heron 1
This short clip is a Gadwall duck and drake with a Mallard duck and drake.

Another couple of shots by Janet yesterday 
Gadwall flying to the "no swimming" pond

A passing check of Imperial Rd at the same time as yesterday failed to see a single Jackdaw!

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