Friday 29 December 2023

Gulls needed to be ferried in!

A fresh SW wind. Not many showers, but when they arrived they were heavy and included hail.

South shore 
Pale-bellied Brent goose c35 flew towards Red Nab. Later just 18 remained before flying off to the south.
All the Brent arrived together, these are just some of them

Wigeon c200
At least 5 observers checked the outflows but there were no gulls of note, but Pete and Jean managed to check behind the incoming lunchtime ferry.
Kittiwake c40 all adult 
Little gull 1 probably 2 adults

Even after this arrival, none were seen on the outflows

Ringed Plover 28 plus Dunlin 2 resting on Ocean Edge grass
Ringed Plover flying out from the saltmarsh no doubt heading for Ocean Edge grass.

Common Snipe 5 flushed by tide from the saltmarsh 
Rock Pipit 2 - saltmarsh and Red Nab
Red Nab Rock Pipit

Harbour Porpoise also on Red Nab, and as Janet says, it makes for a sad picture.
None of its scars look fatal, although there is some damage around its mouth,
and it does look a bit thin.

These are the conditions along the sea wall at 11:00
Bullfinch 1 male by the white barrier in the Nature Park

Imperial Rd
Jackdaw 140+ gathering on the field to the east of the road. This is just one of two groups, also present are Starlings and a couple of Carrion Crows.

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