Friday 29 March 2024

Not really "good", we'll go for reasonable Friday

A day of two halves, a lovely sunny morning with a light SE breeze. It clouded over in the afternoon and the rain, often heavy started about 14:00.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 13 minimum - there were 9 resting on the skear at low water. Janet saw 9 arrive at Red Nab, followed by 2 more. Later 13 were resting on the sea out from Red Nab.
9 Brent arriving at Red Nab

13 Brent resting on the sea out from Red Nab
Wigeon 4 at Red Nab

Also on the skear this morning (Malcolm) - low water 08:00.
Little Egret 3
Eider 88
Female and male Eider

Red-breasted Merganser 10
Female or first winter Red-breasted Merganser

Goosander 1 - in previous years this would be a significant record. But it doesn't feel so this year, there having been so many for so long on Middleton Nature Reserve this spring.
Female or first winter Goosander heading west.

Ringed Plover 3 flew out to the west, they are normally restricted to the inner skear here.
Other waders as recent.

Other stuff along the south sea wall (Janet)
One of two little Egret on Red Nab

One of many Redshank on Red Nab

One of two Rock Pipit at the lighthouse nest site

This Sea Slater was definitely not having a good Friday!
Caught by the sea wall Rock Pipit, but for some reason discarded 

Only to be eaten by an observant Turnstone 

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick morning check of the two main ponds (Malcolm)
Goosander 1 female being chased by the male Mute Swan.
Little Grebe 4 at least. 1 seen and heard on the "no swimming" pond plus 3 seen on the main pond.
Pheasant 1 male calling
Swallow, stopped briefly for a drink from the main pond before continuing north
Cetti's warbler 3
Chiffchaff 3

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen in the morning, not checked later

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