Thursday 28 March 2024

First Swallow passes through

A fresh SE breeze. A few showers and some sunny spells.

Pete and Jean checked out the key areas this morning.
6 rook nests now at the Rookery (see yesterday's post)
shag 1 adult on wooden jetty.
Red-throated Diver 2 distant.
Pale-bellied Brent goose 19 out from the play area on the north side. Later in the afternoon, presumably the same 19 were on Red Nab, but flew off quite early in the ebbing tide and looked to be heading west across the bay, rather than to the north side.

I had a morning walk out onto the shore on the south side (Malcolm). Nothing other than the waders today.
Oystercatcher 60
Curlew 33
Bar-Tailed Godwit 260
Knot 100
Dunlin 300
Sanderling 1
The light was difficult today, when the sun was shining all the waders looked white, it was easier when a cloud passed over the sun. This clip begins in full sun, but then in shade. The Sanderling is pretty much central throughout, at the end I pan out to show the location, not far beyond Red Nab.

Sanderling central. One of the Godwits is moving to summer plumage

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick check of the "no swimming" pond (Malcolm)
Goosander 4 - 1 male. Unfortunately the male Mute Swan has decided to clear the pond.

Just a short while later, all four were flying and headed off to the east.

Male Goosander

Little Grebe 2
Cetti's warbler 2
Stock Dove 1
Jay 1
Swallow 1 male - a rain shower was just easing and the Swallow was feeding above the trees around the pond.
First Swallow of the year

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen in the morning, not checked later

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