Wednesday 27 March 2024

Rookery and Goosander numbers increasing

A fresher and cooler SE wind. A mixture of sunny spells and showers, one in the evening of hail, accompanied by thunder.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 8 just south of Heysham skear this morning - David Kaye

South shore
I had a walk along the wall mid morning (Malcolm)
Shelduck 10
Wigeon 4
Shag 1 adult on the wooden jetty
Adult Shag

Rock Pipit 5 - one each at Red Nab and sea wall, three above the nest site at the lighthouse.
Rock Pipit, keeping out of the wind near the lighthouse 

Wheatear 6 - 2 on Red Nab quickly moved on. The other 4 were working their way along the foreshore.
male Wheatear

Female/first winter Wheatear

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick check of the two main ponds (Malcolm)
Goosander 7 - 1 adult male plus 6 female and first winter birds. They are all in the clip, with the added bonus of first a Cetti's warbler singing, then a Little grebe trilling.
Little Grebe 4 - 2 each pond
Gadwall 1 male
Mallard 4
Coot 4 
Moorhen 1

Cetti's warbler
Chiffchaff 3

The Rookery at edge of the recording area (the line of trees to the north of Middleton road opposite side to the horse paddock)
There are now four nests and what looks to be the beginning of a fifth. At least 10 Rooks (previously rare in the recording area), but they were difficult to count as these trees have been used as a roost for the Jackdaws, and they weren't best pleased when they started turning up this evening.

Rooks and Jackdaw

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen morning and evening 

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