Wednesday 24 April 2024

Arctics and Swallows choose overland route, just north of the harbour

The light morning NE wind switched to NW after lunch. Dry with plenty of sunshine.

Pete managed a seawatch:
Sea from back of heysham harbour looking out through harbour mouth 0728-0930: all flying in unless stated otherwise: 
Osprey 1 fishing at distance (0755)
85 Arctic Tern in/overland (inc 20 distant where common not def ruled out)
63 sandwich tern In
9 common scoter
1 Red-Throated diver
1 Kittiwake
two seemingly migratory Bar tailed godwit flock high to north of 44 plus 24
12 whimbrel
6 Sanderling
Several Dunlin and knot flocks
187 Swallow
2 house Martin
5 Sand Martin
c60 small passerine.  
Porpoise 2 
Friday looks good and the event day on Sunday interesting forecast but wrap up well!

Heysham skear - low water 07:00
I was on the skear as Pete was seeing the Arctic and Swallows (Malcolm). No Artic Tern reached the skear and the only Swallow I saw was one close to the sea wall as I set out.
Eider c50
Red-breasted Merganser 4
Great Crested Grebe 3
Sandwich Tern 12 at least at any one time, they were constantly around, but it wasn't obvious which ones moved through. This clip gives a sense of them feeding, they are a graceful bird, but their entry into the water has all the finesse of a kid throwing a brick in!

Sandwich Tern with Oystercatchers

Bar-Tailed Godwit 150+
Whimbrel 13. This clip begins with a Curlew and a Whimbrel, and ends on two more Whimbrel.

These four came in high from the south. They looked to have travelled some distance as they didn't move from where they landed till shifted by the tide 20 minutes later (you can hear the Sandwich Terns calling behind me)
Curlew 10
Oystercatcher 1500
Knot 2500
Dunlin 28
Redshank 40 (only south side of skear checked)
Turnstone 40
Herring gull c50 on the skear, the seed mussels haven't materialised yet, but it won't be long
One of several 2nd calendar year Common gulls milling around 

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet took these excellent shots this morning

Grasshopper Warbler 

Lesser Whitethroat 


Grey Heron

Gadwall drake


Speckled Wood

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis there till mid afternoon at least

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