Tuesday 23 April 2024

Have the Brent finally all gone?

A light, but cool, NE wind. A dry day with sunny periods.

Heysham skear - low water 06:30
An early start, but I wasn't the first visitor (Malcolm)
A fox was foraging between the honeycomb worm clumps on the south of the skear - just left of centre

The sun had just risen and was directly behind me, the fox was squinting to make me out

Eider only 40 close in but many more further out
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Great Crested Grebe 2
Sandwich Terns 14 at least, fishing, resting and passing through. It is difficult when you are close to tell which are moving through.
This one had been fishing then settled down and had a preen.

Sandwich Tern
Bar-Tailed Godwit 250+ heading north, but many stopped off for a quick meal and preen.

Bar-Tailed Godwits

Whimbrel 22 north, but again some stopping off briefly, most in ones and twos, but one flock of 14. These are some of them.

Pete did better scanning at distance:
Arctic Tern 14 north
Sandwich Tern c40
Red-Throated Diver 2 summer plumage birds in

South shore high water 12:00
I checked saltmarsh to Red Nab towards high water (Malcolm)
No sign of any Brent geese on Red Nab today.
Ringed Plover 8, with Dunlin 9 on the foreshore 
Ringed Plover

The Dunlin were at all stages of moult to summer plumage, the last two quite advanced.

Linnet 6 - 3 pairs one seen mating on the saltmarsh 
Wheatear 4 - these two were feeding on the foreshore grass.

Janet checked along the sea wall

Four Eider south

A distant Grey Seal, but earlier it had been seen closer in with a Bass

There are large numbers of Gorse weevils on the Gorse bushes on Heysham head - Alison Haywood 
Gorse weevil Exapion ulicis

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis there mid morning at least.

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