Sunday 7 April 2024

Good stuff but well scattered

A very strong SSW -SW wind, just the odd shower.

Jean had a watch from St Peter's church yard:
Do TWO Swallows make a summer? I had 2 over St Peter’s churchyard this morning. 
Also there a flock of 9 Siskin in the trees. 

a Red-throated Diver flew across the Bay and a Common Scoter flew into the Bay and landed on the water.

From Pete:
Male Ring Ouzel private field heysham head (first one, possibly the only one, of the year)
Pale-bellied Brent goose 5 flew to Red Nab

Nick Godden was checking from the north of Heysham Head
Arctic Tern 1 flew out (first of the year)

I had a morning walk along the south sea wall (Malcolm)
Shag 1 adult flew to the wooden jetty.
Adult Shag - sorry about the quality of pictures today, but it was impossible to hold still.

Kittiwake 11 out
Some of the Kittiwakes

Eider 3 out (male and a pair)

There were at least 27 Common gulls around No.2 outflow mostly 2nd calendar year. Then suddenly they were joined by loads of large gulls. The reason was a Cormorant with a bass. I'm not sure what the gulls hope to gain. Cormorants, unlike seals, eat their prey whole. The only possible scraps would be any gill filaments dislodged by the Cormorant.

Bar-tailed Godwit 12 (3 and 9) battling south against the wind.

Linnet 2 on foreshore 
Rock Pipits 2 (foreshore and lighthouse)
Wheatear 6. This one was right on the end of the roundhead.

It was time to head back along the sea wall. This is what faced me. Not dangerous, just wet!

A nice splash of colour now.
A couple of shots by Janet from Heysham Nature Reserve 
Singing Robin


Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick early evening check of the two main ponds (Malcolm)
The only ducks were 5 Mallard. Mute, Coot and Moorhen unchanged.
Swallow 3 feeding on "no swimming" pond (protected from the wind here)
Common Sandpiper 1 on the main pond.

Cetti's warbler 3 singing (NE corner of "no swimming" pond, NE corner of central marsh and SE corner of main pond.

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen in the morning at least.

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