Monday 8 April 2024

Great Northern Diver tops the bill

Showers throughout the day, often prolonged. A variable SE to east wind.

Pete and Howard have been managing to read more Knot rings on this set of spring tides. Yesterday Howard spotted this Sanderling amongst the Knot

Winter plumage Sanderling with winter plumage Knot

Pete managed a seawatch from the back of the harbour:
Great Northern Diver 1 in non breeding plumage flew into the bay
Red-throated Diver 5
Harbour Porpoise 1 in the harbour mouth

South wall
Both me (Malcolm) and Janet were exercising dogs along the sea wall towards high water this morning.
Pale-bellied Brent goose 4 flew out from Potts at high water, circled then headed for the Lune Estuary.
Pale-bellied Brent geese

One of several 2nd calendar year Common gulls

This Cormorant was feeding close to the sea wall

Shag 1 adult (albeit slightly crestfallen) on one of the platforms in the harbour.

I can't match the quality of Janet's shots, but I did manage a nice clip of it scratching its chin.

Wheatear 2
Rock Pipit 2 - Red Nab and lighthouse area. No obvious activity at the back of the harbour this year.

Heysham Head - mid afternoon - Angela Gillon
Rock Pipits 2 below cliffs
Linnet c12
Siskin 2 female

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis seen in the morning. It was totally oblivious to the lady in the paddock tending the horses.

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