Sunday 28 April 2024

Stork passes through!

A cold but light NW wind became fresher mid afternoon. A dry day with afternoon sun.

White Stork spotted by Janet - flying east over Middleton Nature Reserve just after lunch. She managed to get her camera ready just in time.

White Stork heading east

Seawatch from north seawall- Pete Crooks

A very uneventful sea-watch (8.20 – 9. 30 am):
c.45 Pink-footed Geese – a distant single group, presumably this species, flying north low over the sea in the offshore ‘heat haze’
6 Sandwich Tern
3 Whimbrel
1 Grey Seal

Heysham skear low water 09:10 (Malcolm)
There wasn't lot going on this morning.
Eider 60
Red-breasted Merganser 12 - there was a bit of squabbling going on

Great Crested Grebe 4 (2 pair)
Sandwich Tern 5 - initially resting on the sand bars but began feeding when the tide started making.

Whimbrel 8 most already on the skear
Bar-Tailed Godwit 80 - some already on the skear, others came in.
Other waders similar to recent
This Dunlin was trying to catch small shrimps, but came up empty billed this time.

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis - feeding at 09:00, but was seen flying west at 09:16. No sign of it at 15:15. Let's see what tomorrow brings.......

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