Saturday 27 April 2024

Worse than expected seawatch!

An early NE breeze drifted to east by late morning....... A sunny start.......

combined seawatching/vis 0700-0900 - Jean
Sand Martin 4
Swallow 2
Whimbrel 3
Sandwich Tern 7
Grey Seal 1
Worst ever!!

Heysham skear - low water 08:30 (Malcolm)
Little Egret 6
Eider 92
Red-breasted Merganser 8
Great Crested Grebe 4
Sandwich Tern 9 resting and feeding. These are 6 resting on a honeycomb worm reef with Eider drifting past.

For some reason this one decided to rest on the sea, it was there for a few minutes before resuming feeding.

Sandwich Tern

Peregrine Falcon 1 marauding the small waders
Knot 2,500 altogether flock of 1,500 on the middle skear
Dunlin 80
Turnstone 60
Redshank 30
Curlew 3
Whimbrel just 2 this morning
Ringed Plover 1 - it was resting along the waterline. Presumably it had just come in and needed a rest, it allowed the water to rise up around it before reluctantly flying further up the shore.
Ringed Plover

Sand Martin 1 north
Sand Martin 

I returned in the evening as the ebbing tide was leaving the rocks out from the play area (Malcolm)
At first the only waders on the waterline were a small group of Bar-Tailed Godwit, including a male in his red summer plumage.

Then, reinforcements arrived!
Bar-Tailed Godwit 120
Knot 2,000
Dunlin 300
One of the godwits had a yellow flag and red ring, identifying it as ringed in Norway. Unfortunately I didn't manage to read it.
Just after this clip the Knot took flight again, they are very flighty at the moment, so I didn't get a chance to check them for rings and they took the Godwits with them.

Whimbrel 8 , possibly including this morning's 2.

Sandwich Tern 4 - two fishing and two had been resting/preening. I had to get past them, as I came closer one eventually took flight, but the other stubbornly refused to move. This clip seems to be the flying bird seeing me as a threat and calling for its mate to join it. While the other was just saying "whatever"!

I managed to get past without spooking it.

Goldeneye 1 male - I was lucky to catch it preening to begin with, as after that it was constantly feeding and only brief glimpses of it diving. 

Male Goldeneye - it was still feeding when I left, by this time in the SE corner of the skear.

Female Red-breasted Merganser, also resting on a rock as I passed.

These Great Crested Grebes were reaffirming their bonds.

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis there at 08:45, but not seen when checked mid afternoon.

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