Tuesday 13 August 2024

Not a lot of time, quite a lot of rain!

Showers all day some heavy. A south to SW wind

South shore (Malcolm)
I didn't get out till early evening. A walk along the sea wall and back. It was lashing down as I walked out, but dry for most of the way back.
There were c150 gulls on Red Nab mainly Black-Headed and not easy sorting them out through the rain, but at least 7 Mediterranean gulls
We have received the update for the adult seen on the main Pond at Middleton Nature Reserve (see post 10/08/24). It was ringed as a nestling in 2019 in Holland. It was first seen here last summer and as since been seen in Portugal in December, and various Spanish sites in January and February.

Kittiwake 1 juvenile feeding on No.1 outflow

Juvenile Kittiwake

Grey Seal, looks to be a male, also feeding on No.1 outflow

Grey Seal, males have light patches on a dark background. Females have dark
patches on a pale background , but sometimes it is difficult to decide which
are patches and what is background.

Curlew c 30 on Red Nab
Whimbrel 1 heard
Redshank 115 flushed by rising tide from No.1 outflow
Turnstone 6 with the Redshank
Little Egret 4 - 2 on Red Nab and 2 on the saltmarsh.
Little Egret on Red Nab

Pied Wagtail 10 - one each on sea wall and foreshore plus a group of 8 feeding together on Ocean Edge grass.
Rock Pipit 1 on Red Nab
Rock Pipit

Cormorant 40 - 35 on wooden jetty
Cormorant on Red Nab

It had just stopped raining when I took this clip of Rabbits feeding near the lighthouse (I don't think they thought anyone would be daft enough to be out in that rain!)

In the Nature Park
Sparrowhawk 1 juvenile 
Chiffchaff 1 calling
Bullfinch 2 male and female
Peacock butterfly 2
Two Peacocks waiting for the sun......better luck tomorrow 

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