Monday 12 August 2024

Rings and things

A very heavy early morning shower, after that mainly dry, with a couple of light showers. Some sunny spells in the afternoon. A light wind initially from SE but was from west by the afternoon.

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Report by Jean:
It was very quiet. 2 Robins were “ticking”, a Buzzard called somewhere to the south, 13 Goldfinches headed to the feeders and one Swallow flew SW. The only warblers were a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff. Ringing consisted of mainly young birds:
5 Goldfinch plus a moulting retrapped adult male, 
2 Greenfinch
2 Blue Tit
1 Wren
and Great Spotted Woodpecker.
The adult Goldfinch. The red feathering extends behind the eye so it’s likely
to be a male. Usually the bristles above the beak are black but can sometimes
 be grey. It’s moulting its head feathers so its head is a bit spotty looking.
It was ringed as a juvenile last year.

Heysham Head
Adult and two juvenile Sparrowhawk - David Kaye
One of the juveniles 

Adult Sparrowhawk

South shore (Malcolm)
A mid afternoon check of the gulls on the shore. Not quite as many today, c500 mainly Black-Headed
Three main lots today, these out from Red Nab
Another group on Red Nab, this is just the tip of them,
plus lots still feeding on the outflows

Something lifted all the gulls on the beach, which in turn lifted the gulls
on Red Nab. It must have been a false alarm as the gulls that were on the
beach landed again a little further out and the Red Nab ones landed where
the first group had been. Mediterranean gull top centre.

Mediterranean gulls 20 - 14 adult/3rd calendar year, 1 2nd calendar year, 4 juvenile 
2nd calendar year Mediterranean gull

Two of the Black-Headed gulls were ringed, one of the Norwegian ringed birds. And one ringed at Martin Mere
Ringed at Martin Mere 09/06/22.


One of two Whimbrel 

Wheatear on foreshore

Four linnet on saltmarsh, three on Red Nab
This one has Goosegrass seeds stuck on its throat

In the Nature Park.
Sparrowhawk 1 juvenile, still whining
Brimstone 1
Peacock 1
Large White 2
Small White 1
Gatekeeper several 
Small Skipper 1
Speckled wood 1
Common Blue 2

Common Blue


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