Sunday 29 September 2024

You have to learn quickly to survive

A dry, mainly sunny, but cool day. A light SE wind.

South shore (Malcolm)
Just a look out on the shore again this morning. There was a mixed flock of Knot and Bar-Tailed Godwit on the waterline before flying further south, similar numbers to yesterday.
Curlew 89
Oystercatcher 30
Redshank 62 near the saltmarsh 
Lapwing 8 on the saltmarsh 
Common Snipe 2 flew high towards Middleton Nature Reserve (later Janet flushed one on the reserve)
Little Egret 7
Grey Heron 1
Grey Heron had been on the saltmarsh then flew towards Middleton Nature Reserve 

Cetti's warbler singing just south of the caravan park

Linnet 40 on saltmarsh 
Wheatear 3 along foreshore 
Pied Wagtail 2 south

Shelduck 97
Wigeon 5 on Red Nab
Wigeon and Shelduck

Mediterranean gull 8 on Red Nab
This green ringed German Med has been around all summer,
although it has not been seen for a month

Peregrine Falcon 1 - today's lesson for the Carrion Crows was how not to get eaten! The Peregrines here seldom bother the crows, particularly as there were thousands of waders further south. It must have sensed an opportunity, presumably some were young and inexperienced. It attacked them for over 5 minutes and almost caught them in flight, but rested when they were grounded. 

It was seen off this time but soon returned and repeated the attack. But this
time the crows had learned, and were quicker to group on the shore. The Peregrine
eventually gave up and flew to the south, where it duly lifted all the small waders

Middleton Nature Reserve (Malcolm)
Just a quick look at the two main ponds. The water level on the "no swimming" pond is now only 0.5m above its normal level. Strangely, the young swan was there alone.
Solitary cygnet on the "no swimming" pond. There were two adults
on the main pond, perhaps they are flying between the two ponds,
but the female doesn't normally leave her young alone

Tufted Duck 10 (9 on main pond)
Mallard 8
Gadwall 4 (3 males)

Water Rail 1 calling
Cetti's warbler and Chiffchaff both singing 

The Mute family were still separated when Angela Gillon checked mid afternoon. 
Sparrowhawk flew over main pond 
2 Swallows heading out in the direction of the sea.

Half-Moon Bay
Rock Pipit 5 - 3 near the cafe plus 2 between slipway and the rocky outcrop (Malcolm)