Thursday 3 October 2024

Still plenty of Chiffchaff

A light NE breeze became fresher from the east in the afternoon. Dry with sunny spells.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
This morning's ringing included 10 Chiffchaff 

North Shore
Wheatear 1 on Heliport, as was this Lapwing - Kevin Singleton

Red-Throated Diver 1 out distantly (in Cumbria) - Pete

South shore (Malcolm)
Two checks out from the saltmarsh, late morning on the rising tide and evening after the tide had ebbed.
Pink Footed goose 79 - 78 in a south bound skein at 12:00, plus 1 having a rest on the shore.
It wasn't injured, as later on I saw it fly off. It must have just flown as far as
it could and needed a rest. The wet mud looking blue, reflecting the sky.

Shelduck 94
Wigeon 30 - 5 small groups (7, 6, 8, 7 and 2) flew south from Red Nab as the tide covered it
Mediterranean gull 15 minimum - only 3 seen this morning but at least 15 this evening, including 2 x 2nd calendar year and 3 ringed birds. The 2 read have been seen here already this year.
Two of this morning's Meds with Dunlin

I didn't go to the waterline, but this morning there were at least:
Oystercatcher 400
Curlew 50
Knot 500
Bar-Tailed Godwit 15

Close to the shoreline 
Lapwing 6 on the saltmarsh 
Grey Plover 28 resting this morning, just one in the evening 
Grey Plover in the low evening light

Ringed Plover, none this morning but 35 feeding this evening 
Redshank 50
Dunlin c600 feeding this morning, but they were very flighty.

Dunlin coming in to feed, at the same spot they just took flight from!

Black-Tailed Godwit 6 - they came in/off and settled with the feeding birds.
Black-Tailed Godwit coming in to land 

But when the Dunlin took flight again they flew off to the north

Other movement, all in/off then either east or SE.
Meadow Pipit 22
Pied Wagtail 1
Swallow 3 together

Wheatear 1
Linnet c80 - c40 each feeding on Ocean Edge grass and saltmarsh (both groups visible at the same time). These are some on the grass this evening 

In the Nature Park
Common Darter 3
Red Admiral 4
Comma 1
Speckled wood 1

This juvenile Sparrowhawk was on the tall anemometer this evening