Tuesday 1 February 2022

Good tide for Jack Snipe

The wind was constantly WSW which is a decent direction, but not particularly strong. Overnight rain then a dry day with sunny spells.

Howard had another good day reading several ringed Knot from various schemes, these are just three of his excellent pictures.
There are two ringed birds from different schemes on this shot

Read in flight!

Two ringed birds on this shot too - but the back flag is illegible 
The front flag is wearing away at the bottom corner where it
rubs on the abrasive surfaces where they feed (like the skear).

South shore mid morning towards high water. (PM, JR, MD)
Pale-bellied Brent goose c50 - there were c35 feeding on Red Nab at 09:45, after which they presumably went to Potts corner. At 11:10, just about high water, c50 left Potts and flew west.
Pink-Footed goose 8 out
Wigeon c180
Pintail Duck 3 out
Kittiwake 1 
Shag 1 juvenile (not seen in the morning but one was feeding on the waterfall early evening)
Rock Pipit 4 (2 on saltmarsh, 1 on foreshore and I near waterfall)
Reed Bunting 3 on saltmarsh 
Common Snipe 21 flushed by saltmarsh (more would have already been flushed)
Jack Snipe 7 (2 plus 5 individuals flushed from saltmarsh by the rising tide). Later 3 were flying around together, possibly some of the flushed birds.
Jack Snipe (not quite as sharp as Howards pictures!)