Sunday 18 February 2024

More Siskins

A dry and largely sunny day with a light west wind.

North shore
Pale-bellied Brent goose 33  including the two colour ringed birds off Knowsly Road play area, before being flushed and flying north - Barrie Cooper

The following from Janet:
Middleton Nature Reserve 
Cetti's Warbler singing at the main pond.

South Shore
A morning check - these Eider actually yesterday's birds, none seen today
Male Eider in Harbour mouth

Female Eider in Harbour mouth

Little Egret 

Rock Pipit on Red Nab
Nature Park
Siskin 6 at least feeding on the Alder near the white barrier


Robin singing its heart out

One of several toads in the pond

I didn't manage to get out till late afternoon today (Malcolm). No sign of the Siskin at that time.
Wigeon 380
Shag 1 on the wooden jetty 
Shag (middle) with Cormorants 

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

The Glossy Ibis was feeding happily at 16:50.