Sunday, 9 February 2025

Plenty of Curlew

A dry, mainly overcast day with a cold NE wind.

South shore (Malcolm)
I went to check the waterline out from Ocean Edge on the rising tide this morning but the only waders were Curlew 138
Some of the Curlew

Shelduck 14
Shelduck with a few Wigeon

Wigeon 60
Wigeon on Red Nab towards high water

North shore 

34 Pale-bellied Brent's. 25 flew off north towards Sandylands, 9 remained close to the prom just north of the play area - Pete Crooks

Howard checked at high water.

Knot 2,000 roosting on Sunyslopes groyne. Unfortunately spooked by dog walkers when the tide began ebbing.

Redshank, Knot and Turnstone


I had a quick look on the skear on the ebbing tide (Malcolm)
By that time the Brent geese were scattered all around the skear.
Some of the Brent on the north side

No Eider or Mergansers seen.
Great Crested Grebe 1

Oystercatcher 1,500
Curlew 60 this is more than I usually see feeding on the skear.
Curlew and a Redshank

Redshank 100
Knot 750 (most feeding on remote sections of the skear, being exposed for the first time for a few days.
Dunlin 30
Turnstone 25
Ringed Plover 4

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a quick check of the two main ponds on the way home (Malcolm)
The "no swimming" pond has been at its normal level for a few weeks now, but it is still strangely bereft of wildfowl. It was graced with just a single Coot today.
Main pond:
Mute Swan pair plus 1 immature 
Mallard 18
Gadwall 27
Tufted Duck 3 (2 male)
Coot 4
Moorhen 2
Tufted Duck pair

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