Monday, 10 February 2025

Quite a bit going on

Another overcast day with occasional very light rain. The cold NE wind continues.

South shore (Malcolm)
Once again there were no small waders feeding along the waterline on this morning's rising tide.
Curlew 152 along the waterline plus 30 on Red Nab
Oystercatcher 40 along waterline, Red Nab birds 300+
Redshank 87 closer to the shore
Dunlin 2 close to the shore.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 33 flew in to Red Nab from the north side.
Shelduck 46
Wigeon 120
The gutweed on Red Nab is very closely cropped now

Some of the Wigeon were nibbling the gutweed on the foreshore rocks

Just one Little Egret

Two immature Cormorants, there were several others

Rock Pipit 1 along the foreshore 

Heysham skear - low water 17:00 (Malcolm)
I went down early in the ebbing tide, before the outer skear became exposed
Pale-bellied Brent at least 17 around, almost certainly some of this morning's birds
Eider 95 initially close inshore then most flew to the north.
Great Crested Grebe 2

Oystercatcher 1,500
Curlew 60 including 21 that flew in from the east.
Redshank 250
Knot 2,000
Some of the Knot and Brent geese arriving together

Unfortunately, most settled in areas that there legs were not visible.
Knot and a Herring gull with a mussel.
The gull will repeatedly drop the mussel from height until it breaks open

Knot with a bivalve mollusc that it will swallow whole

Turnstone 25
Ringed Plover 6
Dunlin 80 plus 2 feeding high up the shore with the plovers.

Just out of the recording area Sunnyslopes Promenade (Janet)

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