Thursday, 5 December 2024

........and grow

It started clear then a morning mist came in with the tide. Rain began in the afternoon as the SW wind began to freshen. Heavy overnight wind and rain expected.

North shore
I checked the skear as the tide started coming in (Malcolm)
Waders as recent, including 750 Knot.
Knot and Oystercatcher 

Knot and Ringed Plover

Little Egret 6
Great Crested Grebe 2
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Eider 6
The Eider are feeding in this clip, or rather looking for food. A Great Crested Grebe makes a guest appearance.

After feeding the males tried a bit of courtship displaying, but the females were having none of it!

Pale-bellied Brent goose - there were at least 41 scattered all around the south side of the skear, feeding in small groups.
There is still loads of sea lettuce here

Later, Jean and Pete managed to count 61 from Knowlys Rd

Later still Janet took these shots of some in front of Knowlys Rd
One of two groups on the beach out from Knowlys Rd.
There is very little gutweed on these outer rocks this year.

Time to leave....

This shot was from Heysham Head, later still. Suggesting more had arrived.

Janet also took this shot and video of a fox by Meldon Rd this evening.

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