Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Mixed bag

Provisional update, hopefully more later.
The winds eased and the sun shone, occasionally.

No sign of Brent geese on the north or south shore.

Little gull 1 1st winter on No.2 outflow at least from 10:30 to 12:00.

The above pictures fron Kevin Eaves

Ocean Edge saltmarsh
Stonechat 1
Rock pipit 1

Middleton Nature Reserve
Mute 4 adult 5 juvenile
Coot 4 (2 x 2 together)
Gadwall 4 (2 paiir)
Tufted 2 (1 pair)
Mallard 4
Teal 7
Little grebe 2 feeding together.

The male Tufted looked particularly fine in the sunlight