Friday, 24 March 2023

A bit of a contrast

A dry day with a slightly fresher SW wind. 

South shore (MD)
In contrast to yesterday's fall of migrants, today was almost devoid of them.
Stonechat 2 females on the saltmarsh early on, but had moved on later
May as well have a picture, she could be the last one of this impressive spring passage
No Wheatears or Meadow Pipits
Reed Bunting 1 on saltmarsh 
House Sparrow 2 on saltmarsh (attracted by feeders near saltmarsh)
Rock Pipit 2 - one each saltmarsh and Red Nab
Pink-Footed goose 60 north at 08:20
Pale-bellied Brent goose 13 on Red Nab on the rising tide, then towards Potts Corner. Again, may as well have a clip, as they'll also be off soon.
Shelduck 2
Wigeon 45

Pete checked the waders at high water, only c150 Knot today, but he did manage to read another colour ringed bird.

Heysham Nature Reserve (MD)
It was warm in the sun and Heysham is quite a sheltered reserve so I thought I'd see if any butterflies were around - there wasn't 
Chiffchaff 3
Bullfinch 4
Greenfinch 8+
Goldfinch 10+
Chaffinch 2

Long-Tailed, Blue and Great Tits.

No butterflies but plenty of hoverflies and bees
Lots of these hovering, but could only manage a decent shot of one resting.
Think this is a drone fly, but more than happy to be corrected (MD)

Bumble Bee (Buff Tailed?)
And my favourite flowers are just beginning to bloom.
Snakes Head Fritillary - in another week they will look splendid!