Sunday 4 April 2021

Some birds moving through

The breeze had shifted to the west and freshened slightly. Overcast, but dry all day.

No more news on the Common Crane, it was seen and photographed from Fluke Hall area. The photograph has been confirmed as a Common Crane.

Records from Nick Godden viewing from the Stone jetty 07:45 - 09:15:

Greylag goose 2N

Eider 176

Red-throated diver 1

Great crested grebe 4

Herring gull 120

Meadow pipit 114 N

Rock pipit 3 N

Linnet 6N

Siskin 5N

Goldfinch 8N

Pete checked the low water channels and obviously saw some of the same birds:

Eider 170

Great Crested grebe 6

Red-breasted Merganser 3

Just a trickle of movement north, later in the morning past the harbour:

Linnet 15

Meadow Pipit 5

Alba wagtail 2

The highlight of the day (for me at least (MD)) was Jean managing to catch and ring one of the Harbour Rock Pipits. There were two displaying males plus two other birds between the lighthouse and the waterfall. Jean eventually caught a male.

Unfortunately, the plumage difference between adult and immature birds
in spring really requires comparison of the two - not really practical with one bird

This is the trap, which was made by Alan. In this clip there are three Rock Pipits checking it out.

A metal ring was placed on the right leg. Hopefully, the ringed bird will be one of the territorial males, if so, we will soon find out which one. Please check all sightings of Rock Pipits in the area, and report any with a ring (no need to try and read it), including location and behaviour - Thanks