Sunday, 7 January 2024

Nice day, but uneventful

A heavy overnight frost, areas of shaded ground remained frozen all day. Sunny for most of the day with a very light NE breeze.

Middleton Nature Reserve (JP)
Some shots from Janet from yesterday.

The Coot have been battling all (last) year

One of two Roe Deer 

South shore (MD)
It was a lovely morning for a walk, unfortunately very little to be seen along the sea wall.
Shelduck 77
Some of the Shelduck

Wigeon 300+
Eider 2 beyond the outflows
And that was about it!
Lesser Black-Baked gull posing nicely 

It wasn't practical to check for the Ibis roost this evening, perhaps tomorrow 

North shore 
Howard took this clip earlier in the week. It demonstrates how the Knot are easily disturbed on the Heliport wall. In this instance by a couple of Carrion Crows. Also flushed by the disturbance was a Jack Snipe, you can just see it zipping past the second crow.